Pavel Pepperstein

Big feet of Freedom (2013) Europa in Trouble (2013)
In our days no political decision is possible without extra-terrestrial control (2013)
Fucking civilization of skyscrapers kills the joy of life and turns everything into a sick­ening cretinism (2013)
The political dimension is entering the aesthetical field (2013)
Big Bro is not watching you (2013)
Well now, that’s enough! All nations are now sliding into the abyss. Back to the pits that spawned you, you fucking predators – nature’s killers (2013)
We are all waiting with impatience for the appearance of a political power which will stop scientific and technological progress (2013)
The suffering face of the modern capitalism (2013)
The political consequences that came as a result of the actions of this boy were far more monstrous than the devastation wrought by the natural disasters and financial crashes which followed (2013)
Jews of All the World! Help us! (2013)
Lord Merlin and Political Fairy (2013)

Vattenfärg på papper
32,5 cm × 25 cm
Med tillstånd från Nahodka Arts Ltd
47 × 40 (inklusive ram)

Pavel Peppersteins innovativa figurativa teckningar place­ras politiska och kulturella symboler i fantasifulla situatio­ner. I den nya verkserien kommenterar han det aktuella till­ståndet i världen med bitande ironi, surrealism och kritisk blick. Med karakteristiskt snirklig, flödande, psykedelisk stil gör Pepperstein bildberättelser om utrotningshotade djur, den europeiska krisen och kapitalismens och demo­kratins problem.


Foto: Attila Urban