Maria Jerez © Elena Hidalgo
YABBA, Maria Jerez © Bernhard Müller


Animate installation  

Originally a live performance accompanied by Lanoche (a sound project by Angela de la Serna), Yabba was first adapted as an installation in 2018. In this form, the work is animated through tools such as sound, smoke and lights. Yabba manifests as a hybrid: human and non-human, single and plural, seductive and strange. It materialises as a live unknown landscape, a cosmic and marine other, hinting at a horizon which is yet to arrive.    

Supported by: Acción Cultural Español; Västra Götalands Regionen.  

Artistic collaborators: Óscar Bueno, Javier Cruz, Ainhoa Hernández Escudero, Alejandra Pombo, Laura Ramírez & Lanoche.  

Technical support: Leticia Scrycky, Elii [Oficina de Arquitectura] and Malén Iturri.  

Coproduced by: Veranos de la Villa, SZENE (Salzburgo), Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zúrich), CA2M and Ayudas a la creación de artes visuales de la Comunidad de Madrid 2018.  

Project financed by: Apap-performing Europe 2020, with the collaboration of «Creative Europe» – European Union Program.  

With the support of: Centro de Danza Cana


Maria Jerez’s work is situated between choreography, film and visual arts. Her most recent work insists on the performativity of encounters as spaces of transformation. These moments are where the “other” is housed in oneself, establishing blurred borders between the known and the unknown; the object and the subject; the animate and the inanimate; the collective and the individual. 

Jerez has in presented dance and visual arts contexts at: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía; Fundação Serralves; Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain; Theatre de la Ville; Kaaitheater; Impulstanz; and the Spanish Pavillion in the 18th Venice Architecture Beinnale 



Röda Sten Konsthall

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