S by Luiz Roque, film still
© Guido Limardo



Video essay; projection; (5 mins) 

The choreographies of S code a message based on the manifesto Towards a Gender Disobedient & Anti-Colonial Redistribution of Violence by Brazilian artist and activist Jota Mombaça. The hypnotic and magnificent dancing conveys a violent message, counterbalancing the poetic and graceful gestures.  

“We will invade your houses, set your cars on fire, stone your malls and banks, swear at your police forces, curse your safety, empty your fridge and mock your illusions of ontological comfort.”
– Jota Mombaça  

In S beauty becomes brutal.  


Supported by: Swedish Film Institute  

Courtesy of:  Mendes Wood DM 

Produced by: Camila Groch-Groch Filmes / MASP; Casting: Danna Lisboa, Félix Pimenta, Ivy Monteiro, Lucas Abe, Romario Monte e Vitor Nogueira; Choreography: Danna Lisboa; Cinematography: Glauco Firpo; Costume Design: Alex Cassimiro; Producer: Filipa Gomes; Editing: Juliana Munhoz; Sound: Marcio Biriato.

Special thanks to Jota Mombaça for the text “Towards a Gender Disobedient and Anticolonial Redistribution of Violence”, which is partially adapted in the film. 


Luiz Roque works across different territories, combining the splendour of science fiction, the legacy of Modernism, pop-culture and queer bio-politics, to understand and propose ingenious and visually sensual narratives. Roque’s works inhabit a space between cinema, art and critical theory within the scope of political dispute, both real and imaginary.  

Roque has recently exhibited at: PROA21; Visual Arts Center, Austin; Pivô; CAC Passerelle; The New Museum; Niterói Contemporary Art Museum; Tramway; 59th Venice Biennale; São Paulo Museum of Modern Art; Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito; and Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea 


Röda Sten Konsthall

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