Photo: Ekaterina Lukoshkova Konstverk på bilden: Daniel EKTA Götesson, Tommy Sveningsson, David von Bahr © 3:e Våningen

Gun Lunds koreografiska universum | Jubileumsföreställning: Fields In Motion

Fields In Motion is a performance about the dancers, movement and space – the basic elements of dance art. A performance where the shape and character of the stage room exposes the dancers to new challenges.

Gun Lund is a nomadic choreographer. Ever since the 80s, she has conquered the public space with large, comprehensive dance works. In Fields In Motion she connects experiences from previous works in the urban space, on rocks, in hangars, snow and heathland.

Visitor information

Opening hours:

Thursday Oktober 12: 7 pm 
Friday Oktober 13: 7 pm 
Saturday Oktober 14: 4 pm 
Thursday Oktober 19: 7 pm 
Friday Oktober 20: 7 pm 
Saturday Oktober 21: 4 pm