“Kulturbärare” – Ida Bentinger och Jasmine Cederqvist
(X)sites is an exhibition concept in land art where artists who are active all over the world create temporary site-specific works of art in the landscapes along the cycle paths Sjuhäradsrundan and Kattegattleden. 2021 the artists are Sweden-based due to the pandemic.
(X) stands for the unknown, sites for sites. (X)sites is characterized, in all aspects, of site exploration and design; from the artists’ work with the sites to the audience’s encounter with the site-specific art and landscapes.
(X)sites intend to create as good conditions as possible for the production of newly created site-specific art and to communicate artistic approaches to the audience that open up for new perspectives.
Performances and workshops will be arranged in connection with (X)sites. Info about artist, location and time will be published on: www.xsites.se/aktuellt and facebook.com/xsites.landart
Ida Bentinger and Jasmine Cederqvist