HOMECOMING by John Atherton
A found 1987 school yearbook, a symbolic rite of passage, a celebration, the transition to adulthood. It’s images are carefully constructed, students hide their true identities beneath carefully choreographed American high school cliches; facades depicting what being at high school should really look like; fragmented. Colonization through media. An American export; 400 years old. Assembling the works in rows, Atherton reenacts the yearbook format this time with all traces of the sitter removed; a fragment of a fragment. A new audience, one outside of the intended, is invited to respond with their own personal and private speculations. Facets, folds, and facades.
John Atherton
Visitor information
Opening hours
9 – 15 september, mån – fre 13 – 18, lör – sön 11-15