© Hanna Eliasson (CC BY-NC)

GIBCA Extended

  • Friday 15 September
  • 15.00 – 19.00
  • Slottskogen

PUUT invites you to Bänkfest 2023

The park benches of Gothenburg citizens’ own living room, Slottskogen are the starting point for Bänkfest 2023.

During 2022–23, Karl has sat on and photo-documented all 392 park benches in Slottskogen. Through Bänkfest 2023, the photograph of the park bench is presented through various expressions by invited artists and cultural workers. The choice of place and activity enables an anti-hierarchical practice where people meet side by side on a park bench. Everyone is welcome as who they are and allowed to be who they want, together we become the culture.

During the afternoon and evening there will be poetry readings, music and performance of various kinds.


Llama Lloyd / Sit Cat, Christer Boberg, Pär Thörn, Louise Halvardsson, Poesiwerken, Veronica Odsvik, Tidskriften Bänken, Sara Hallström, Kim Elfving, Lily Ray, Fågelmoln, Josefin Cederwall, SPEAKERBREATHER, Jacques Labouchere, Ragout Noir, Pentapolar birds (Trinidad Carrillo), Sayam Chortip, Henrik Mimerson, Felix Nicklin, Helen Wedham, tNt (Estrella Rydman & Jörgen Andersson), Hanna Monola

Visitor information

For updates see website.