GIBCA Extended
Lecture Series HDK-Valand + GIBCA Extended
Free bus trip to Vänersborgs konsthall and Konsthallen Trollhättan, from HDK-Valand and back, 12.15-18.00.
Limited number of seats for the event.
Register here!
During this autumn HDK-Valand and GIBCA Extended are collaborating on a lecture series focusing on topics of publicness and the role art plays in society. Come and visit the venues, meet locally based artists and curators, and embrace forms of the surrounding futures through existing possibilities for coming together around the region.
12.15 bus leaves HDK-Valand
13.45-14.30 Guided tour Goodscape at Vänersborgs konsthall
14.30 bus leaves Vänersborg
15.00-15.30 Short introduction to the exhibition Undergrowth at Konsthallen Trollhättan
15.30 – 15.45 Cecilia Germain talks about presented works
15.45-16.00 Susanne Vollmer talks about presented works
16.00-16.15 Ulrika Jansson talks about presented works
16.15-17.00 Tea blends served in the bar Sans Souci, by Susanne Vollmer, alongside a collective conversation together with the artists.
17.00-18.00 bus goes back to Gothenburg, stops at HDK Valand
Vänersborgs konsthall
Vänersborgs Konsthall is a place for contemporary art that shows four to five exhibitions per year. Here, visitors encounter exhibitions from national and international artists. At the art gallery, experimental and process-based projects coexist, with thematic group exhibitions and solo exhibitions that delve into individual artists. An important aspect of the work is collaboration with local associations and schools. Always free admission to all exhibitions and children’s activities.
Solo exhibition: Goodscape
The artist Yll Xhaferi is based in his hometown Pristina, Kosovo. He grew up in Kosovo immediately after the war. The aftermath of the conflict shaped his view of the world beyond Kosovo’s borders and of the meaning of freedom. In his first exhibition in Sweden at Vänersborg’s art gallery, Xhaferi shows newly produced works of art that have sprung from his childhood dreams.
Konsthallen i Trollhättan
A communal art gallery with free entrance to the six main exhibitions of contemporary art held every year. You find the art gallery on Innovatum District.
Exhibition: Undergrowth
Plants’ ability to carry stories, bring history from times and places to life, and take us on internal and external journeys, is the starting point for Undergrowth. The exhibition explores plants as medicinal and magical material and the interweaving between creatures and vegetation. Cecilia Germain explores the flora of the African diaspora where an Afro-futuristic promise of healing and resistance emerges. Susanne Vollmer’s work is rooted in signature doctrine, the hallucinogenic effects of plants, and the flowers in the song Uti vår hage. In Ulrika Jansson’s installation about a vanished reed area, a portal is created to the inside of the reed and its creatures, their memory and will.